Wednesday, October 25, 2017

// Consider it pure joy, whenever u face trials of many kinds, because u know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance // Jame 1:2 //

  1. Consider it pure joy, whenever u face trials of many kinds, because u know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. -Jame 1:2

Sunday, October 22, 2017

// Your words can limit your life or they can increase your life // They can curse your future or they can bless your future //

  1. Your words can limit your life or they can increase your life. They can curse your future or they can bless your future.

// The real victory is not when God does everything you want // The real victory is when those things happen but you’re at peace //

// The real victory is not when God does everything you want // The real victory is when those things happen but you’re at peace //

  1. The real victory is not when God does everything you want. The real victory is when those things happen but you’re at peace
  2. Don’t try to win people’s approval. Stop trying to get from people what only God can give you.